Saturday, July 17, 2010

Questionnaire Results!

So yes I totally forgot about this questionnaire. A few went and responded so I thought maybe I would share what all you thought. And I'll responded to the majority with my thoughts to it.

First Question:
How do you read Loud Words & Sounds?
Most said they visit the site. While others said they visit via google reader and others use the email subscription.

In response: I do all of those things except email subscribe personally with every blog I follow. I love that people read my blog no matter what, I would still be blogging if I only have 10 followers or none, because I love it. So thanks for viewing and following!

Second Question:
How do you view the site?
AKA via what internet browser.
Actually a lot of my followers apparently use Mozilla Firefox. While others use Google Chrome. And a small minority use Internet Explorer.

In response: I personally use Google Chrome to view everything and Mozilla as a backup, I don't even have Explorer installed on my computer. So I went and checked the blog out on the other internet browsers and found somethings very different. Like the table which I use for the Navigation Pane is viewable on Mozilla and Explorer while on Chrome it isn't. And that its slower loading really compared to Chrome on the two others for my internet connection. 

Third Question:
On a scale how slow does the site load?
The scale was 1 to 5 (5 being highest)
Everyone said 4 and 5 on the scale.  With majority saying 4 so I'm guessing that the site loads very nicely for most of you.

In response: This was a concern of mine, because of the fact that a lot of the photo based stuff (like the sidebar headers) and the titles font of the post are linked to an outside post.

Fourth Question:
Is the Navigation Bar annoying to you?
Many of you said no, there were a few yeses.

In response: Well this is another concern of mine. The yeses concerned me because at times I find it annoying. But the way I have it is met to conserve space on the blog, but if you would rather me have a zillion links than I'll do it that way instead. But well take care of that on a different questionnaire in the future, if I get a negative response from that in the future than I'll change it.

Fifth Question:
Are the Reviews too long?
Everyone said No.

In response: Yeah! I'm happy because sometimes I think I write way to much.

Sixth Question:
Would you like if LWS had its own domain?
Most said it doesn't matter, and others said Yes.

In response: I've been debating getting my own url domain for the blog, but the questions I have about it are questionable at most. I feel that the blog is fine under the .blogger url name for now. If I continue blogging for maybe the next year or two then I'll switch it more than likely for a more professional look, because right now we don't know if I'll randomly quit or something. In a year or two I'll be too addicted not to, (I'm already addicted see I'm on vacation and I scheduled this post!).

Seventh Question:
What do you like about LWS?
This time I'm going to put somethings that you wrote but their mostly the same:
  • Pretty much everything! Love the layout, it's very pretty and your reviews are great...not too long or short! (:
  • The awesome look and interesting reviews. :)
  • I love the layout. Amazing. 
  • I haven't seen anything that I don't like on the site, I think it's great site.

In response: Thanks for all the nice comments! Really thanks, I love working on the layout and improving it and making new ones for others. And I love blogging! :)

Eighth Question:

Is there something you don't like about LWS?
Everyone said No, or Nope, or Can't think of anything.

In response: Yaya! :) That means I'm doing it right!

Thanks to you that filled out the questionnaire! I'm glad that your all happy about what Loud Words and Sounds and I are doing together. (Yes I refer to my blog as a person, I will because it is in itself its own webpage.) And I'm glad that its helping me get experience in something I want to do in the future.

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