Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress by Tina Ferraro (Review)

Sophomore year, Nicolette Antonovich was dumped two days before prom by the hottest guy at school. As a result, she became the proud owner of one unworn, perfectly magical pink vintage dress. But Nic is determined to put that night behind her for good. She's a junior now— older, wiser, and completely overwhelmed by a new set of problems: (1) The bank's ready to foreclose on her childhood home. (2) Her father's too busy with his "replacement" daughter to care. (3) Her best friend's brother is an eternal thorn in her side. (4) Her best friend isn't exactly the rose attached to that thorn. (5) Rumors are flying around school that could get her kicked off the volleyball team, which would (6) ruin all chances of a college scholarship. (7) She still likes the boy who dumped her in the first place. (8) And what in the world do you do with an unworn prom dress, anyway? Strangely, it's getting to the bottom of this last dilemma that just might hold the answer to all Nic's problems.
So this review has been put off for too long and I'm finally sitting down and doing it. Okay this book is one of the typical romantic comedies and chick lit books that any girl would love (and I do). Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress has an excellent story behind it and the plot is carried out superbly. I love Tina's writing style and I need to get her newer book ABC's of Kissing. This story line revolves around one thing a pink prom dress, the main character Nicolette, bought for her pity date with a boy named Rascal.

Nic is one of those girls that's your best friend, one you can relate to instantly and that is obsessed with this pink prom dress. While also determined to help her mother keep her childhood home, while her father goes off and plays with his new family. Yet, trying to simultaneous win that Volleyball scholarship she needs. Nic's best friend is Alison and she's one of those rich girls that don't act rich (so much). After Nic "loses" Rascal as her Prom date, Alison goes and steps in with the ice cream and candy. And as Nic supposedly gets better, Alison still sees her wallowing in a lost Prom, and tries in all different ways to get her out of it. Alison in the end is the best friend a girl will always want. Then there's Jared, Alison's older brother, he drives a Camaro and is a hockey player. He's like the chauffeur for the two, always taking Alison and Nic to were they need to be. Even Prom dress shopping. He's the bad boy hottie of the book, unlike Rascal the other "leading" male in the story. Who is just a jerky football player to the heart. Rascal leaves Nic with a prom dress, the day of prom as he goes of to the gala with his girlfriend that surprisingly arrives home again, and then has the audacity to try and get back into Nicolette's life during his senior year.

Alright, so thats about the most important stuff and characters in the book, there's more but these four are like the main. Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress by Tina Ferraro is a book centered around a dress that any girl would love. In the end this story is great, and I think for any girl going to Prom, sooner or later they need to read this book. And I love the cover, its simple but still exemplifies what happens in the book, plus the title, perfectly.

There is a really nice detailed summary of Tina's life and about her at I don't want to butcher the nicely done summary so here is the link.
Tina Ferraro
See more about Tina and her likes on her blog here...

Tina also blogs at: YA Fresh & Books, Boys, Buzz

See Rascal the heart breaker in real life, here!

***This book was provided by the author for review.***
***Read for the Romance Challenge***

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