(From Robin Maxwell)
Before Juliet Capelletti lie two futures: a traditionally loveless marriage to her father's business partner, or the fulfillment of her poetic dreams, inpired by the great Dante. Unlike her beloved friend Lucrezia, who looks forward to her arranged marriage into the Medici dynasty, Juliet has a wild, romantic imagination that takes flight in the privacy of her bedchamber and on her garden balcony.
Right now I'm sitting in awe at this book. Robin Maxwell changed the semi-confusing play from Shakespeare that I didn't hate but actually loved reading my freshman year in high school with my much hate English Teacher, into something of an easy and great retelling of one of the best known romance couplings ever. O, JULIET was a clever retelling of the story and a great invention on the original Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet.
Mrs. Maxwell caught the exact romance of the two lovers in a way that anyone including, myself, can find astounding. Between the poems from Dante or the two lovers own script I was enveloped in the story. Taking my time I tried to suck in every word that Romeo and Juliet told each other. And from the first meeting on I couldn't wait to read on and find when they next meet, either it be in secret or at a party it didn't matter.
This book is a must read for 2010. And is a clever new spin on Romeo and Juliet. Everyone has read Romeo and Juliet but they haven't read it like this yet. That's why I'm encouraging all of you readers to go check this out. Just a warning for some younger readers there are some scenes that you might not want to read because of some sexual content. But even ignoring those scenes this book is amazing!
So go out and buy O, JULIET today! Today Feb 2, 2010 is the official release date for the book. Which reminds me I would like to thank Robin Maxwell and her publisher Catlin for allowing me to receive a finished copy before O, JULIET was released. And I wish the best of luck to Robin on the important release day, which is today!
Check here for a scorn of Robin's Books and News:
For two very special and good videos check out the my first interview ever with Robin here.
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