As you all know I'm going to be taking part in the 2010 Blog Improvement Project.
Week #1: To-Do list
Learn Google Forms.- Learn Mr. Linky.
- Keep my labels organized.
(And get a drop down list instead of the cloud.)[Done but not officially done, this is a life long goal] - Make sure a my readers are satisfied with my upcoming "new look".
- Survey my readers.
- Stick to a schedule for posting (Meaning 1 review a week, memes, interviews on certain days.)
- Network through Facebook, Ning, etc. (Possibly Twitter?)
- Spam Filter on Comments.
- Work on my Quality of Posts.
Add a search bar.- Write reviews when I'm done a book.
- Compile a List of my followers blogs to let other followers find out other awesome blogs.
Make or get some nice RSS Feed and Subscribing buttons and make it easy to find them.- Figure out what meme's are popular and ones that aren't.
The ones that are crossed off are the ones I have completed.
This list might grow later but, here it is!
3 Loud Comments:
Good luck with achieving your goals! Now I need to google what goole forms are... LOL
Thank you.
Thank you for joining the blog improvement project! It is great to see that you are starting to cross things off your list already. Good luck with the rest of your list!
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Thank you for leaving a "loud" comment, I read every single one. And take any feed back into consideration.