Sunday, August 8, 2010

News @ LWS (6)

Loud Words & Sounds
I am extremely happy to say I've been getting some book requests as of late, so stay tune for their reviews. Which I'm behind on reviews, and I have to get caught up on them... Its also due to the fact I have to read my summer books and do the assignments with them so that is slowing me down.

My Life
I have finished Band Camp! It's over and done with for this year. I'm looking forward to the following weeks of practices, competitions and football games with my friends. Maybe I'll post some photos of me in uniform possibly.

Leilani has posted her last bash contest! It all ends this week on the 13th! So go and enter. Here are the last two contests that you all should check out.

Ky has also awesomely entered in The Thirteenth Chime contest so check out her designs. She finally decided on the white cover instead of the darker one. Ky also did an awesome review on The Death Day Letter and it really has me wanting to read it now.

Aly has been doing some really great reviews lately so check out the blog because their just too great to sum up.

My Blog ButtonSteph's been a little absent again. I hope everything is okay with her!

Yes I did receive an award this week from two very awesome girls! Tis the Versatile Blogger award from Ari at Teens Actually Read and Jill from Nymfaux.

I've already passed it on to some other awesome bloggers. And really can't think of anyone else, except you awesome followers that follow me.  So I'm going to give a spin off of this and say The Versatile Followers Award. Yup you followers get an award, you have to put up with me. So there it is, maybe I should photoshop it but I'm being lazy right now.

But I am going to list some things, specifically 7 things about myself.
Une- I love remaking covers of books! I might just hold a cover remake contest when I hit 250 followers or 300 I'm not sure.
Deux- My sister has me addicted to Lifehouse the band now.
Trois- I love sappy romance movies. What girl doesn't? But I especially love 80s and 90s ones.
Quatre- I like emailing better than chatting. I have some conversations with my girls that are up to like 100 or 60 emails.
Cinq- I forgot what five was in French I had to look it up...
Six- I won't be taking French this year the school cancelled the next level, which saddens me but also in one way makes me happy.
Sept-  This is numbered in French. I felt like it. I like talking in French when I'm bored, even though I sux at it.

1 Loud Comments:

Blueicegal ♥ said...

thanks for the shout out hun :) and im a epic fail when it comes to cover contests! :D

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